Three Resources for Developing Career Clarity
Continuous personal growth is vital to survival. The ability to reinvent yourself periodically will become increasingly critical during times of rapid change.
Event Recap: Commercial Finance Association Fintech & Innovation Forum
Often, we’re so engrossed in our day-to-day jobs that we don't have time to learn about exponential technology advances or focus on future possibilities.
Coloring Outside the Lines: Personal Branding Lessons
As I prepared to speak at the 2019 ELFA Women’s Leadership Forum regarding Personal Branding, I spent time reflecting on my own journey and lessons learned while developing my own personal brand.
Event Recap: 2019 ELFA Executive Roundtable
It’s not always about finding answers. More importantly, are we asking new questions?
What’s the Future? NEFA Summit Explores Emerging Technology and What it Means for Equipment Finance
I am honored to have been able to moderate a panel and share insights on technology and innovation within commercial finance.
A Framework to Step out of Today Thinking and into the TomorrowZone™
Undoubtedly, keeping up-to-date with the advancements of the ever-changing world of technology has become increasingly essential to the ways in which we do business.
What Should You Consider Before Investing in Marketing Automation?
Digital marketing is an important function of daily operations for most businesses. However, overlooking automation in this process may limit potential.
First Ever Equipment Finance Industry Blockchain Workshop Results
Of the various technologies currently on-the-rise, none hold the power to fascinate quite like the seemingly endless possibilities of Blockchain.
Are Emerging Technologies Gaining Traction in Small Business Lending?
Last summer, I was invited as a speaker to introduce the basics of blockchain technology at the Small Business Lending Forum, hosted by Orion First Financial.