Everyday AI Experiment: Could an AI Accelerate Capturing 40 Expert Interviews?
Beyond conducting interviews, the planning, coordinating, and scheduling of these events felt like a whole project in itself. A couple of tools were crucial for streamlining this process.
Everyday AI Experiment: How Might AI Assist in Scheduling Meetings?
While I do enjoy meeting with people, I don’t love the task of scheduling meetings.
Everyday AI Experiment: How Might AI Help me Brainstorm a New Logo?
There are several online tools that can help you design a logo.
Everyday AI Experiment: How Might AI Assist in Web Page Design? has an AI named “Sacha” that combines machine learning and a chatbot interface for intelligent automation of webpage design.
Everyday AI Experiment: How Might AI Help Combat Inbox Overload?
Is there an AI app that could manage my inbox so that I only see the messages that matter?
Everyday AI Experiment: Six Lessons Learned From 7 AI Experiments
This is the introduction to a series of posts summarizing my adventures (and misadventures) in applying artificial intelligence-powered applications to save time and increase productivity.
Guide for Pursuing a CLFP Designation
Like the equipment finance and leasing industry, the CLFP Body of Knowledge evolves and changes.
Blockchain Beyond the Hype: Perspective for the Equipment Finance Industry
Blockchain, the underlying technology for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, has only been on the scene for a decade.
Why Updating a Book is Similar to Managing a Software Roadmap
Did you know that managing the updates to a book (such as the Certified Leasing and Finance Professional Handbook) is strikingly similar to product-managing software?
Three Resources for Developing Career Clarity
Continuous personal growth is vital to survival. The ability to reinvent yourself periodically will become increasingly critical during times of rapid change.