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Women are a Force for the Future in Equipment Finance

By |July 18th, 2018|Categories: Futures, Leadership|Tags: , , , |

For all of the years that I have participated in this industry, the inaugural Women’s Leadership Forum put on by the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, was amongst the best conferences I have experienced – by far. Throughout the event, there were fantastic teachings on strategic networking, effective networking at conferences, communication, leadership, and persuasion. It was a truly exceptional experience.

Hump? What Hump? (Lessons from Lettuce)

By |September 21st, 2017|Categories: Learning|Tags: , , |

Hump? What hump? It's hard to see the hump on your own back. In the same way, it's hard to see the lettuce in your own teeth. This post recalls a comical incident involving lettuce. From this incident we can learn some things about what it takes to solve wicked and tricky cross-functional process and technology problems. 

CEMC Innovation Summit Recap

By |August 17th, 2017|Categories: Events, Learning|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Innovation begins by asking, "What if?"

Some of my takeaways from attending the inaugural 2017 CEMC Innovation Summit. 

Senior corporate leaders and senior technologists converged at the Ritz Carlton Laguna Beach from June 12-14, 2017 to discuss technology's place in the future of equipment finance. Innovation summit participants are a handpicked group of experts and senior executives shaping the future of the financial services industry and include capital providers, online asset sellers, equipment industry leaders, technology disruptors, and practitioners who are transforming the asset purchase and finance space.

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