On September 22, 2021, TomorrowZone hosted a virtual innovation challenge, to examine the impact of forces of change, analyze implications of accelerating technology programs, and exercise imaginations.
The purpose?
To envision the customer experience of 2028.
The method?
Small team collaboration, for a hands-on, fast-paced session.
The session had three key goals:
- Identify and recognize forces of change likely to impact their industry in the short term and long term.
- See the implications and opportunities of key disruptive technologies to watch.
- Imagine future possibilities and reflect on readiness.
“Today, we’re in a judgement free zone. Today, anything’s possible. We’re imagining the future, and the future has not happened yet, so there aren’t any wrong answers.” – Deborah Reuben
Using Mural, the innovators were able to move through the different sections, sparking ideas and discussion, progressively building upon each other’s thoughts. They added sticky notes, images and icons to represent things once thought impossible, top trends impacting industry, how technology is being used in business, and future scenarios based on specific arenas of interest.
“The more that our lifestyles remain remote, the more comfortable we’re going to be with not seeing and interacting physically with the people that help us, which will continue toward us being more comfortable with AI.” – Sean Scampton
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