Where will we be three, five and ten years from now? How will that impact our business, our people, and our customers? These are the purpose-driven questions that Deb Reuben covers in her keynotes and public workshops, and she also explores ways to uncover the answers in her talks.
From keynotes to facilitating roundtable discussions, Deb Reuben speaks on a range of subjects helping leaders and teams think differently about technology, their processes, and the future of their organizations.
Her ability to take complex information and make it understandable to anyone helps all audience members wade through the intricacies of emerging technology and trends and their impact on business.

A tech-savvy visionary, Deb’s curiosity, forward-thinking, and constant desire to explore make her a highly sought-after speaker for all industries. She has the keen ability to see and share those clear pictures of the future with the audience, giving them customized insight into how technology can transform their lives for the better. Then, Deb guides them through the process steps to implementing these technologies in their work so people can capture their future value faster.
Learn how these topics can be customized to your industry.
Staying Ahead of Tomorrow –
Building Your Awareness of New Technology and Trends
Technology is changing at a ridiculous pace and we are so engrossed in our day to day jobs that we don’t have the luxury to spend a lot of time learning about exponential technology advances or focusing creatively on future possibilities. We can’t hide much longer. Everyone needs to be aware of these advances and trends and understand the potential impacts for their customers, employees, company, and industry so that they can make sound decisions with the long-term future in mind.
With this awareness, teams can begin to gain insights of how advancements in technology can help redefine business models, operational processes and customer experience.
In this engrossing presentation, you will learn:
- Why to pay attention to the five most important trends to watch (Societal, Technological, Environmental/Regulatory, Economical and Political) and what that can do for you
- How to translate what the trends are doing into ideas and action steps for your industry and role
- Specific practices you can start today to stay future ready
Exponential Technology and Its Current Impact
It can seem overwhelming to stay on top of the trends with the flood of information coming from every channel and the seemingly constant change. The good news is that it is not impossible to stay on top of trends if you are intentional and use information filters to hone your focus. What if you had a roadmap for navigating these topics? What if you had clarity about where to begin? In this engaging and exciting presentation, Deb Reuben shows audiences how to not just focus on making something better, but creating a mindset that is focused on observing what is already happening around them and making something different.
You will learn:
- How and where to pay attention to be aware of emerging and existing trends and technology
- The nine exponential categories to watch and specific ways they’re already impacting your industry
- The ways the convergence of the top three technologies will most certainly impact your work
- Specific practices and tips for keeping up with the most significant transformations with the least amount of effort
“Deb is a dreamer and will break any norms necessary to bring a fresh idea and approach to an issue. She has virtually limitless energy and will drive change through her ideas and by feeding off the energy of others around her to get the best out of people.”
– Dan O’Malley, Solutions Director, Modis Managed Solutions
Thought Leader Series
Deb explains the importance of future thinking, of watching trends in the ecosystems of technologies, and seeking an understanding of how various technologies work together to change and advance both business and our lives.
Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation
Deb designed and facilitated this event for industry CEOs to explore the impact and opportunities of exponential technology on the future of equipment finance and leasing.
ELFA General Session Welcome and Technology Trends
Deb opened the general session for the 2017 ELFA Annual Convention and addressed disruptive technology trends.
Technology Trends Update
Deb delivered the technology trends update
during the 2017 ELFA Annual Convention.