I recently had the great opportunity to talk with Dale Laszig for the FinTech Forward 2020 Summit. Dale Laszig is a payments industry journalist who specializes in emerging financial technologies. She is co-founder of FinTech Forward 2020, a virtual conference to help entrepreneurs transform their businesses.

In our interview, we reminisced about the first time we met at the exponential finance conference that impacted my work and stretched my brain to new lengths. We also expanded on the ideas that caught my attention there and the current ways I put those ideas into practice, particularly the six Ds of exponential technologies. This idea illustrates the phases of disruption that a product or service goes through once digitized. And, as you know, digitization is an important consideration when working with emerging technologies in our changing world.

We also covered multiple other topics in our talk including:

  • The power of exponential progress of technology
  • The acceleration of technology adoption driven by the coronavirus pandemic
  • The newest edition of The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook
  • The six Ds of exponential technologies (digitized, deceptive, disruptive, demonetized, dematerialized, and democratized) and how I apply these concepts in my work.

Check out the entire conversation here.