The Certified Lease & Finance Professional Foundation is happy to announce that the ninth edition of The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals’ Handbook is now available for purchase on Amazon in a paperback version with a Kindle version available shortly.
Deborah Reuben, CLFP; CEO and Founder of TomorrowZone®, was again engaged to update the previous edition with a focused effort on incorporating the latest changes to the Body of Knowledge. Ms. Reuben consulted with four additional Subject Matter Experts and stated, “As always, it was a pleasure collaborating with an experienced group of CLFP subject matter experts to create and revise content. Special thanks to Kevin Prykull, Jena Morgan, Ben Hall, and Leonard Lane for their contributions producing this edition of the handbook.”
The ninth edition removes redundancies, expands on the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), and the marketing and technology sections are updated.
The CLFP designation is the only certification for the Commercial Equipment Finance Industry. Currently, there are Certified Lease & Finance Professionals and Associates located throughout the world, including the United States and Puerto Rico, Canada, India, Africa, and Australia. Click here for more information.
TomorrowZone® is a future-focused consulting firm specializing in technology trends and advising financial services leaders who want to capitalize on the latest innovations to be future-ready.