In a recent Monitor livestream, Deborah Reuben, CEO & Founder of TomorrowZone®, and Jeff Bilbrey, CEO of Leasepath, teamed up to share practical insights on how leaders can kickstart their journey with AI and intelligent automation. With a shared passion for demystifying AI, Deb and Jeff broke down actionable steps for integrating intelligent automation into everyday business practices, especially for leaders who feel overwhelmed by the fast pace of change.

Shifting Perceptions of AI: It’s About Intelligent Automation

Deb started by reframing AI as “Intelligent Automation,” explaining that it’s more than just a buzzword—it’s a practical way to enhance business processes and drive real results. By focusing on the many capabilities of AI, she encouraged leaders to think beyond the hype and consider how intelligent automation can directly impact their organization’s efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Jeff shared insights from a recent Vistage survey, revealing that CEOs are increasingly using AI themselves and expect their teams to do the same. Interestingly, the highest use cases are in sales and marketing. For many leaders, the challenge isn’t the technology itself but figuring out where to start and how to make it work for their organization.

Tackling the Top Concerns: Where to Begin and How to Upskill

A poll conducted during the livestream uncovered the top three concerns about adopting AI: lack of knowledge, uncertainty about where to begin, and a shortage of technical talent. Deb and Jeff addressed these concerns head-on by sharing practical examples and encouraging leaders to take control of their journey with intelligent automation.

Deb emphasized the importance of investing in your mindset, skills, and knowledge—”what’s between your ears” – and finding simple ways to start experimenting with AI today. Jeff demonstrated how Leasepath is leveraging embedded AI to streamline tasks, such as automatically populating assets in leases, and shared how he used ChatGPT to create a graphic for a speaking engagement. His advice? Ask ChatGPT to teach you about itself and start having conversations with it – it’s an easy way to begin understanding AI’s capabilities.

Introducing TomorrowZone’s Intelligent Automation Catalyst

Deb demonstrated TomorrowZone’s latest offering, the Intelligent Automation Catalyst, a hands-on, virtual experience designed specifically for non-technical leaders ready to harness the power of AI without the overwhelm. The program breaks down AI’s 80+ capabilities into an easy-to-understand format, guiding participants through how these technologies can be applied to their business. Leaders learn to identify the most impactful areas where intelligent automation can drive change, map out potential AI applications tailored to their unique challenges and address the critical topic of AI ethics. By the end of the experience, participants leave with a customized heat map of high-impact AI opportunities, equipping them with the clarity and confidence to drive transformation in their organizations.

Top Areas for AI Impact: Documentation, Sales & Marketing, and Customer Service

Another poll during the session revealed that participants believe AI can make the biggest business impact in documentation, sales & marketing, and customer service. Both Deb and Jeff emphasized the importance of starting with tools that are already available. Many platforms already have AI embedded in them, and that’s often the best place to start. Deb highlighted how TomorrowZone uses off-the-shelf tools like Descript and ChatGPT to accelerate creating standard operating procedures (SOPs) for their virtual team.

Tech Isn’t the Answer—Start with the Business Problem

Deb and Jeff tackled the classic chicken-and-egg question: “Is it best to start with the tech or with the business problem?” Both agreed that you should always start with the problem. As Jeff wisely put it, “If you look for tech as the silver bullet, you will eventually get shot by that bullet.” This mindset is core to TomorrowZone’s approach with the Intelligent Automation Catalyst—helping clients identify the real business problems that need solving before exploring the tech options.

Take Control of Your Journey with Intelligent Automation

The key takeaway? We are all responsible for our own journey with intelligent automation. Start small, learn, and experiment. Dedicate even just 20 minutes a week to explore AI and own your path forward. As Deb and Jeff demonstrated, the potential for transformation is immense, but it starts with curiosity, experimentation, and a willingness to embrace change.

Ready to explore how AI can transform your business? Reach out to TomorrowZone today to learn more about the Intelligent Automation Catalyst and take the first step in shaping a more awesome future.